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Day Two




10am - 11am

Vanessa Carson

Design Lead, Topia Technologies

11am - 12pm

Kya Rawlings

Head of Product Design, Ways

12pm - 1pm

Lunch Time

1pm - 2pm

Joan McGowan

CEO, Starquake

2pm - 3pm

Olivier Bisset

Creative Director, Sharkz

3pm - 4pm

Erin Wells

Designer & Creative Director, Bowl

7pm - 10pm

Drinks & Networking

Day Three


10am - 11am

Corbin Donnelly

Creative Director, Leap

11am - 12pm

Arya Meza

Digital Art Director, Paper

12pm - 1pm

Lunch Time

1pm - 2pm

Tre Timms

Digital Art Director, Paper

7pm - 10pm

Closing Party

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